Talk on Right turn in Indian Polity: Indian Elections 2014 by Professor Sunil Kumar Choudhary.
The event was conducted on September 15, 2016. The nature of the event was focusing on Indian politics specifically around the 2014 elections. Prof. Sunil, spoke majorly on and around the elections of 2014 which was conducted to constitute the 16th Lok Sabha. The event ended with addressing questions of participants and the concluded with a vote of thanks.
A talk on Electoral politics in Punjab: Emergence of three-party system Professor Ashutosh Kumar
The event was conducted on September 7, 2017. Prof Ashutosh Kumar from Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh delivered a lecture on the electoral politics in Punjab. He also explained the role and impact of Dera Politics in Punjab.
A Talk with Kamla Bhasin was organized in collaboration with the Gender Sensitization Committee
The event was conducted on February 22, 2018. The talk addressed the issue of gender discrimination. The speaker even shared her own experiences and encounters with the issue of gender discrimination. This was a hugely successful event where participants turned up in huge numbers.
A talk on ‘Career Options for Political Science Students’
The Civil Society organized Career Options for Political Science Students’ by Abhay Prasad Singh, PGDAV College, University of Delhi on September 17, 2019. The seminar was organized with the intent to guide them along their career journey. The seminar ended successfully by revealing the students the unexplored domains of the field.
A workshop on Urban Governance and Complaint Management
The Civil Society organized a workshop on urban governance and Complaint Management System in collaboration with Praja Foundation by Mr. Aviral Narayan Dubey, Project Officer, Praja Foundation on October 23, 2019. The emphasis was of the event was primarily on urban governance bodies and how are they dealing with the issue of inconsistencies in the structures of urban governance. They emphasized on the need for the collaboration of various civil society
organizations and the municipal administration in order to deal with the issues and complaints of citizens.
A talk on Deconstructing Gender by Bulbul Dhar
The Civil Society organized a talk on Deconstructing Gender by Bulbul Dhar – James, Prof. Dept. of Political Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, on November 6, 2019. The central theme of the seminar was to familiarize the students with the idea of gender and what are the various meanings which are generally associated with the same.
Webinar on the theme ‘Bapu in Contemporary Times’
A Webinar on 5th of October 2020 was organized through the platform of Google Meet .The theme of the webinar was ‘Bapu in Contemporary Times’ to commemorate 151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The eminent speakers were Dr Amarendra Kumar Dubey, who had been a distinguished civil servant, and Dr Chandrachur Singh (Associate Professor, Hindu College). It was a proud moment for the society for having such renowned speakers with us.
Webinar on ‘Parliament In Democracy And The Role of An Individual Parliamentarian’
The civil society in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC), organised a webinar on 19th of October, 2020, through the platform of Google Meet. The theme of the webinar was, ‘Parliament In Democracy And The Role of An Individual Parliamentarian’. The speaker for the webinar was Dr Mridula Raghavan from the Praja Foundation. To acquaint the students with the internal functioning of parliament, she explained how a typical day in the parliament is scheduled and programmes planned.
Webinar on ‘Public policy priorities for India in the Post Covid Era’ by Prof Rumki Basu
The society conducted a seminar on 26th February 2021, ‘Public policy priorities for India in the post covid era’ in a virtual mode. The event was enlightened by Prof. Rumki Basu, Head of the Department of Political Science, JMI. The speaker emphasized every aspect of the practical application of public policies in the working of democracy and touches upon all the relevant themes.
Inter College Debate competition, Taqreer, on the issue of, ‘Judicial Activism: A Bane or A Boon’
A bilingual conventional format debate "TAQREER" was held on 12th March 2021 on the topic "Judicial Activism: a boon or a bane" as a means to set up an example for the society. TAQREER observed a powerful imposition of tactful insights and arguments. The participants presented their views and voiced their opinions with eloquence and vigor. The event was a success with every individual contributing something to the cause of the debate.