College has been awarded grade ‘A’ for Cycle 2 of NAAC Accreditation

Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

Writing and Activism, 2024-25

Deconstructions - Existence as Spectral in the Critical Concept of Hauntology, 2022-23

Understanding Self-Reflexivity in Postmodernism, 2022-23

Workshop Culture and Communication, 2022-23

Talk on Introduction to Cultural Studies, 2022-23

Workshop Basics of Tally, 2022-23

Workshop of E-Filing of ITR-1, 2022-23

Workshop of E-Filing of ITR, 2022-23

One Day National Seminar - Shifting Contours of Representation of Disability, 2022-23

Representation of Identity in Literature and Cinema, 2022-23

Putting the Audio Back in the Audio-Visual Cinema and Sound, 2022-23

Talk on Modern Indian Literature, 2022-23

Curating Memories- Chandraprava Saikiani and the Mahila Samitis in Colonial Assam, 2022-23

Exploring the Figure of Dilliwala in Fiction, 2022-23

I want to get premium jobs, HOW??? 2021-22

Annual Fest of Vedang, 2021-22

Introduction to Film Studies, 2021-22

Historical Trip, 2021-22

Superheroes And Social Justice, 2021-22

Literatus -22, The Annual Literary Fest, 2021-22

Interrogo the History Quiz, 2021-22

English for Competitions, 2021-22

Open Data, World Bank Database, 2021-22

Political Voices, Independence and Partition, 2021-22

Indology and Sanskrit Studies in Russia and India, 2021-22

Vedang Orientation, 2021-22

Vedang Debate Recruitment, 2021-22

Introduction to Data Analytics, 2021-22

Webinar on Short Films, 2021-22

Careers in Digital Marketing and Advertising, 2021-22

History and Heritage, 2021-22

Webinar on Basics of Stock Market Towards a Better Financial Future, 2021-22

Webinar Standup Against Street Harassment, 2021-22

Orientation Ceremony, 2021-22

Zeppelin- A Battlefield of Blockchain, 2020-21

Webinar on Campus to Corporate, 2020-21

Webinar Navi Saanjh, 2020-21

Webinar on Unconvention Career Opportunities, 2020-21

एक दिवसीय ऑनलाइन मल्टीमीडिया कार्यशाला का आयोजन, 2020-21

एक दिवसीय गूगल फैक्ट चेकिंग कार्यशाला का सफल आयोजन 2020-21

कोरोना काल में मीडिया की भूमिका' विषय पर वेबिनार, 2020-21

Cyber Crime- Harassment in Digital World, 2020-21

Webinar on Sudden Changes in Stock Market 2020-21

Webinar on Tata Strive 2020-21

Webinar on What after Graduation 2020-21

Webinar with Josh Talks 2020-21

Vanaj Webinar on Leveraging Career Using Social media 2020-21

Webinar on Cyber Crime -Harassment in Digital World 2020-21

Webinar on Stock Market,2020-21

Rubru Webinar, 2020-21

Webinar on Indian Leaders, Western Disciples and the Campaign Against Indenture 1911-1931, 2020-21

A Webinar on History and Geography in the Service of a Nation, The Concept of Natural Boundaries, 2020-21

A Panel Discussion on Colonialism in India, White Mens Burden or White Mens Business, 2020-21

Webinar On Prophet Mohammed, Rise of Islam and Crisis of Caliphate, 2020-21

Webinar On Campus To Corporate, 2020-21

Webinar On Unconventional Career Opportunities, 2020-21

Webinar On Spinal Injury, 2020-21

Webinar On Yoga: A Way Of Life, 2020-21

Webinar On Healthy Lifestyle, 2020-21

Webinar On Media The Mind Maker, 2020-21

Webinar On Women Security: Law And Responsibility, 2020-21

Webinar On Learn How To Balance Logical And Creative Mind, 2020-21

Webinar On Animal Welfare, 2020-21

Webinar On Ambedkar Jayanti, 2020-21

Covid-19 Awareness And Management-2020-21

Beyond The Tank, 2020-21

Public Policy Priorities for India in Post Covid Era, 2020-21

Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset & Fundraising Avenues, 2020-21

Vanaj Digicom Fest, 2020-21

Webinar on All about Banking Sector, 2020-21

Webinar on Digital Marketing and New Strategies, 2020-21

Webinar on How to Leverage Social Media as a Career, 2020-21

Webinar on Sudden Changes in Stock Market- Genuine or Dubious, 2020-21

Webinar on What After Graduation, 2020-21

Webinar Punjabi Rangmanch, 2020-21

Panel Discussion on Relevance of Gandhi in the Modern World, 2020-21

A Webinar on the Conservation of Ajanta Caves, 2020-21

National Seminar Man - Nature, Through The Lens Of Eco-Criticism, 2020-21

Parliament in Democracy and The Role of An Individual Parliamentarian , 2020-21

Bapu in Contemporary Times, 2020-21

Enactus-The Social Entrepreneurship Club Workshop, 2020-21

Recruitment Process, 2020-21

Virtual Farewell, 2020-21

Webinar on CV Writing, 2020-21

Rootkit-Heist to Escape, 2020-21

Implications of Covid Caused Lockdown on the Indian Economy, 2019-20

Seminar on Finance and Entrepreneurship, 2019-20

Seminar on Overseas Education, 2019-20

Seminar on Professional Courses and its Scope, 2019-20

Webinar NAAC Criterion III - Research, Innovations And Extension, 2019-20

Webinar Intellectual Property Rights, 2019-20

National Seminar on Re-telling Familiar Stories: Revisiting Adaptation Studies, 2019-20

Digital Talk on Pandemic War, 2019-20

Seminar on What after graduation, 2019-20

Talk on Changes in Global Temperature, 2019-20

Kala Te Media Workshop, 2019-20

Guru Nanak Dev Conference, 2019-20

Career Options for Polictical Science Students, 2019-20

Urban Governance and Complaint Management System, 2019-20

Round Table Discussion, 2019-20

Talk on Deconstructing Gender, 2019-20

Seminar on Finance in Changing Environment 2019-20

Seminar on IQ vs EQ, 2019-20

Inaugural ceremony of Vanaj, 2019-20

Seminar on Finance in the Changing Environment, 2019-20

Seminar on Intelligent Quotient vs. Emotional Quotient, 2019-20

Two Days International Seminar On Teaching & Legacy Of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, 2018-19

Workshop On Office Automation And Documentation For NAAC, 2018-19

How to Improve Employability of the Students, 2018-19

Two Day National Seminar On Revisiting Nationalism And Its Changing Contours, 2018-19

Vanaj Webinar on Artificial Intelligence 2018-19

Webinar on First Aid safety for Youths, 2018-19

National Seminar on Coalition Politics in India Bane or Boon, 2018-19

BSE Mastermind, 2018-19

EMANATION, 2018-19

Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, 2018-19

Seminar on First Aid Training for Youth, 2018-19

One Day National Seminar on Outcast Voices and [Dis]located Identities, 2018-19

Josh Talk, 2018-19

How to Give Effective PPT Webinar, 2018-19

Webinar on How to give Effective PPT 2018-19

Certification course on Financial Modelling, 2018-19

Certification Course on Soft Skill Development, 2018-19

Orientation Ceremony, 2018-19

One Day Seminar " India In 2030" Organisaed By SGND Khalsa College On 11th January, 2017-18

One Day Seminar "Disability And Modernity-Memories And Vision" On 25th January, 2017-18

Two Days Seminar Organised  Sahitya Or Media Main Hindi Lekhan By Hindi Department (SGND Khalsa College) On 23rd And 24th February,2017-18

One Day Faculty Development Programme On "Ethics In Research Education And Beyond" On 1st May 2017-18

A Talk with Kamla Bhasin, 2017-18

Seminar on How to Crack IAS, 2017-18

A Talk on Electoral Politics in Punjab, 2017-18

Google Ad word Workshop 2017-18

Inaugural Ceremony of Vanaj, 2017-18

Orientation Ceremony, 2017-18

Recruitment Process, 2017-18

UGC Sponsored National Seminar-The Idea Of Inclusive Development In India, 2016-17

Call For The Paper For The UGC Sponsored Seminar " 25 Years Of Economic Reforms: Issues, Impact And Challanges", 2016-17

UGC Sponsored Two Days National Seminar  "Sahitya, Media And Ajivika Organised By Department Of Hindi, 2016-17

Udyamita Speaker Series, 2016-17

25 Years Of Economic Reforms - Issues, Impacts And Challenges, 2016-17

Two Day National Seminar on Trans(Gendered) Lives: Praxis of Silence and Exclusion, 2016-17

A National Seminar on the Idea of Inclusive Development in India, Towards an Egalitarian Society and Nation, 2016-17

Emanation, 2016-17

Right Turn in Indian Polity Indian Elections 2014, 2016-17

Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship Workshop 2016-17

Orientation Ceremony, 2016-17

Recruitment Process, 2016-17

Seminar on Changes in the Upcoming Future and Other Trending Topics, 2016-17


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