Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the Teacher | Name of journal | Year of Publication | ISSN number |
India's Monetary Policy and its Impact on GDP | Garima Malhotra | Business Economics | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research | 2021 | 0022-1945 |
The ones that Could Not Get Away: Immobility of Aspiring Emigrants, its Causes, Impact and Solutions. | Sarika Khurana | Business Economics | Journal of Sikh and Punjab Studies, Volume 28- Number 1, Spring 2021 | 2021 | 0971-5223 |
Predators of the Purple frog Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, Biju and Bossuyt 2003 | Ashish Thomas | Environmental Studies | Herpoetology Notes | 2021 | 2071-5773 |
Gupt Kaal mein Vigyaniko ka Vigyan ke Kshetra mein Yogdaan | Dr. Shobhika Mukul | History | Shodh Drishti Vol 12; 5.1 | 2021 | 0976-6570 |
Dr. Harbhajan Singh: Samikhiya Chetna | Dr. Beant Kaur | Punjabi | Samdarshi | 2021 | 2581-3986 |
Sahitya Cinema or Samaj | Dr.Deepmala | Hindi Department | Samvad Path | 2021 | 2581 7353 |
Onkar Bani- Ruhani ate Ikhlaki Samvaad | Dr. Beant Kaur | Punjabi | Samdarshi | 2020 | 2581-3986 |
The Question of Self, The Question of Life: Identity in the Autobiographical Narratives of Domestic Workers | Nidhi Verma | English | Fortell | 2020 | 2229-6557 |
Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Slums | Simarpreet Kaur | Commerce | Advances in Education, Teaching and Technology | 2020 | 978-81-942234-2-9 |
Digital Marketing- Ray of Hope during Pandemic Recession | Herman Kaur | Commerce | International Research Journal of Commerce, Arts and Science | 2020 | 2319-9202(O) |
Thrive during Pandemic dipped Recession | Herman Kaur | Commerce | PHD Chamber of Ideas and Innovation | 2020 | 978-93-84145-96-5 |
Pandemic Recession- Survival and Growth | Herman Kaur | Commerce | Advances in Education, Teaching, and Technology - ICT | 2020 | 978-81-942234-2-9 |
The Role of International Trade in Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of India | Komal Chhikara ; Prof. Madan Lal | Commerce | Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research | 2020 | ISSN 2277-2146 |
To be a 'Melting Pot' or a 'Salad Bowl': An Immigrant's Dilemma | Dr. Bhagwant Kour | English | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2020 | 2456-8740 |
Triple Talaq: The Dynamics and the Implications | Bhavna Sharma | Political Science | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2020 | 2456-8740 |
Employee Dynamics in the Home: A Study of the Role of Ethics in Employers' Treatment of Domestic Workers | Nidhi Verma | English | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2020 | 2456-8740 |
Against the Backdrop of Pre-Modern Indian Representations of Gender: Modernism and its Discursive Disenfranchisements | Dr. Indra Kaul | English | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2020 | 2456-8740 |
Samkaleen Rachnaon Mein Adivasi Samaj | Dr. Shailja | Hindi | Research Journey International E-Research Journal | 2020 | 2348-7143 |
Radio Jocky Rozgar ka Naya Madhyam | Dr.Deepmala | Hindi Department | Samvad Path | 2020 | 2581 7353 |
Madhyakaleen Samaj mein Khusro ki Adhunik Awaaz ki Pehchaan | Manish Ojha | Hindi | Knowledge Consortium of Gujrat | 2020 | N.A. |
Aadhunik Yug mein Telivision Vigyapanon mein Hindi Bhasha ki prasangikta | Dr Deepmala, Dr Savilata Yadav | Hindi Department | Samvad Path | 2020 | 2581 7353 |
Samkaleen Hindi Kahani: Bhasha Ka Badalta Swaroop | Dr. Shailja | Hindi | Research Journey International E-Research Journal | 2019 | 2348-7143 |
Sahityik Patrakarita Ka Vaicharik Sandharbh | Dr. Shailja | Hindi | Research Journey International E-Research Journal | 2019 | 2348-7143 |
Guru Nanak Pahile Vaarakaar De Roop Vich | Dr.Gurmohinder Singh | Punjabi | Sheeraza | 2019 | N.A. |
Babar Vani Naal Sambandhit Shabdan Da Adhyayan | Dr. Gurmohinder Singh | Punjabi | Aabru | 2019 | 2456-253X |
Bava Balvant Kavya Di Vichardharai Chetna | Dr. GurMohinder Singh | Punjabi | Alakh | 2019 | 2320-0413 |
Amrita Preetam di Kavita: Ek Adhyayan | Dr. Gurmohinder Singh | Punjabi | Alakh | 2019 | 2320-0413 |
Punjabi Lok Geeton Me Abhivyakt Samajik Jeevan | Dr.Gurmohinder Singh | Punjabi | Research Journey | 2019 | 2348-7143 |
Impact of Digitisation on Microfinance in India | Dr.Jasmine Kaur and urneet Kaur | Commerce | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2019 | 2456-8740 |
Rural Marketing in India- Strategies,Issues andChallenges | Gurneet Kaur and Silky Bhambri | Commerce | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2019 | 2456-8740 |
Contribution of Exports from Haryana: An Analysis | Mamta Ahuja | Economics | Journal of People and Society of Haryana | 2019 | 2248-9029 |
Relationship between Stock Market Development and Economic Growth | Priyambada Gupta, B. Sharlo Zack, Kanhaiya Gupta | Economics | International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2019 | 2347 - 6079 |
Firm Survival through Semi-Exits: The Case of Indian Registered Manufacturing | Priyambada Gupta | Economics | Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research | 2019 | 2306-983X |
The Impact of International Trade on Environment from the Perspective of Global South: A Game Theoretic Approach | Priyambada Gupta | Economics | International Journal of Emerging Technologies | 2019 | 0975-8364 |
Guru Nanak Dev Ji Ke Vichaaron ki Prasangita | Deepmala | Hindi | International Journal of Social Studies and Humanities Research | 2019 | E-ISSN : 2394-6296; P-ISSN : 2394-6288 |
Amir Khusro ki Bhashai Sangrachna | Manish Ojha | Hindi | International Journal of Hindi Research | 2019 | 2455-2232 |
Study of effect of Financial Development on Economic Growth | Garima Malhotra | Commerce | International Journal of Research and Analytical Review | 2019 | 2349-5138 |
A Study on Brand Contributions to Earnings. | Saumya Chaturvedi | Business Economics | Aspirare-International Journal of Commerce and Management | 2019 | 2394-6601 (E) / 2394-0484 (P) |
Influence of stream habitat variables on distribution and abundance of tadpoles of the endangered Purple frog, Nasikabatrachussahyadrensis (Anura: Nasikabatrachidae) | Ashish Thomas and Manish Kumar | Environmental Studies | Journal of Asia Pacific Biodiversity. In press (available online) | 2019 | 2287-884X |
An Analysis of Trade between India and Latin American Countries: Pattern and Composition | Mamta Ahuja | Economics | Journal of Research and Innovation, Vol. 3(1) | 2019 | 2456-8740 |
Impact of Demonetisation on Indian Microfinance Operations- A Case Study of Margdarshak Microfinance Services Ltd | Preeti Gupta | Commerce | Journal of Research and Innovation, Vol. 3(1) | 2019 | 2456-8740 |
Rural Marketing in India-Strategies, Issues and Challenges | Gurneet Kaur and SilkyBhambri | Commerce | Journal of Research and Innovation. Vol. 3(1) | 2019 | 2456-8740 |
Bhartendu Ka Rashtrvadi Chintan | Dr.Deepmala | Hindi Department | International journal of innovative social science & Humanities Research | 2018 | 2349-1876 |
Swarajbir de Natak Tasveeran ate Balwant Gargi de Natak Dhuni di Aag Vichle Naarivaad da Tulnatmak Adhyyan | Paramjit Kaur Kamboj | PUNJABI | Surinder Pal Vibhinn Pasar Gracious Publication | 2018 | 978-93-87276-96-3 |
Guru Gobind Singh ke Kavya Mein Rashtriya Bodh ki Pratidhwani | Bhupinder Kaur | Hindi | International Journal of Innovative Social Science & HumanitiesResearch, Vol. 5(2), 440-444 | 2018 | 2454-1826 |
Corporate governance index and firm performance: empirical evidence from Indian banking | Manmeet Kaur and Madhu Vij | Commerce | Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 8, No. 2, 190- 207 | 2018 | 1751-6447 |
Bhartiya Swtantrata Aandolan aur Rashtravadi Patrakarita | Savilata Yadav | Hindi Journalism | International Journal of Innovative Social Science & Humanities Research | 2018 | 2349-1876 |
Heuristic Model Development for Nifty Trading. | Garima Babbar | Business Economics | International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) | 2017 | 2394-4404 |
Open Economy and the Crisis. | Garima Babbar | Business Economics | International Research Journal of Management and Commerece (IRJMC) | 2017 | 2348-9766 |
Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Environment: Case of Developing Countries. | Garima Babbar | Business Economics | Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance | 2017 | 2249-7343 |
Changing Face of Microfinance: Building Aspirations for New Micro Entrepreneurs. | Preeti Gupta | Commerce | Indian Journal of Public Audit and Accountability | 2017 | 2278-7909 |
The Idea of Relationship in Lawrence's Two Novels: The Rainbow and Women in Love. | Priya Jain | English | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2017 | 2456-8740 |
Social Media: Dasha aur Disha | Pravin Kumar Jha | Hindi Journalism | Sahchar E-Patrika | 2017 | 2395-2873 |
Self, a Continuum of Being and Becoming: Lalla Ded in the Backdrop of Medieval Indian Bhakti | Indra Kaul | English | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2017 | 2456-8740 |
Vaah-Vaah Gobind Singh Aape Gur Chela. AksharVarta | Bhupinder Kaur | Hindi | International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | 2017 | 2349-7521 |
Economic Reforms and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises | Gurneet Kaur | Commerce | International Journal of Research– Granthaalayah | 2017 | 2350-0530 |
The Importance of Digital Marketing in the Tourism Industry | Gurneet Kaur | Commerce | International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah | 2017 | 2350-0530 |
Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising on Online Shopping | Gurneet Kaur | Commerce | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research | 2017 | 0976-3031 |
The January Effect of Indian Stock Market | Gurneet Kaur | Commerce | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research | 2017 | 0976-3031 |
Role and Importance of Search Engine Optimization | Gurneet Kaur | Commerce | International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah | 2017 | 2350-0530 |
Board Characteristics and Firm Performance: Evidence from Banking Industry in India | Manmeet Kaur & Madhu Vij | Commerce | Asian Journal Accounting and Governance | 2017 | 2180-3838 |
Impact of Board Effectiveness on Performance of Banks: A structural Equation model Analysis | Manmeet Kaur & Madhu Vij | Commerce | IPE Journal of Management | 2017 | 2249- 9040 |
Financial Inclusion in India. | Manmeet Kaur & Sukhvinder Kaur | Commerce | International Education and Research Journal | 2017 | 2454 – 9916 |
Digitalization in India: Cashless, Paperless and faceless | Sukhvinder Kaur | Economics | Trans Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | 2017 | 2278 –4853 |
Impact of Demonetization on ECommerce | Sukhvinder Kaur & Manmeet Kaur | Economics | Paripex – Indian Journal of Research | 2017 | 2250 -1991 |
Economic Viability of Cucumber Cultivation in Greenhouses | Komal Malik | Commerce | International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field | 2017 | 2455-0620 |
Economic Reforms in India: Impact on Industrial Sector | Komal Malik and Gurneet Kaur | Commerce | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2017 | 2456-8740 |
The Page-3 Phenomenon in English Dailies in India | Bhavna Sharma | Political Science | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2017 | 2456-8740 |
Unity in Diversity: Universal Ideology and Multiplicity of Sectarian Identities: A Historical Overview, 1500 BC-1500 AD | Raj Kishor Sharma | History | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2017 | 2456-8740 |
Demonitization: Its Short Term and Long Term Impact | Ishmeet Singh | Commerce | Researchers World Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce | 2017 | 2231-4172 |
Dynamic Asset Allocation | Ishmeet Singh | Commerce | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research | 2017 | 0976-3031 |
Changing Trends In House Hold Savings | Ishmeet Singh | Commerce | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research | 2017 | 0976-3031 |
Contribution of Information Technology in Growth of Indian Economy | Ishmeet Singh & Navjot Kaur | Commerce | Granthaalayah | 2017 | 2350-0530 |
Wealth Management through Robo advisory | Ishmeet Singh & Navjot Kaur | Commerce | Granthaalayah | 2017 | 2350-0530 |
Trade Complementarity Between India and NAFTA Countries | Meena Singh | Economics | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2017 | 2456-8740 |
New Orientations and Terminological Interpretations of Medieval Indian Economic Historiography | Preeti Singh | History | Periodic Research | 2017 | 2231-0045 |
Franco-Tamil Architecture of Pondicherry- Enduring Symbol of an Invaluable Heritage | Preeti Singh | History | Rencontre avec l’Inde (French Journal published by ICCR) | 2017 | 0970-4876 |
Pomponazzi and the Secular Subjectivity of Man in the Renaissance | Priyanka Srivastava | English | Journal of Research and Innovation | 2017 | 2456-8740 |
Indo-Afghanistan Strategic and Security Concerns: An Analysis |
Bineet Kaur | Political Science | Mainstream Weekly, Vol LV No 9 | 2017 | 0542-1462 |
Foreign Direct Investments: A Comparative Study of the SAARC Nations |
Bineet Kaur | Political Science | Indian Management Studies Journal | 2017 | 9744355 |
Agnipravesh, Translated from Marathi | Bhupinder Kaur | Hindi | Anuvad | 2017 | 0003-6218 |
Oe Sone keKangana, (Tranlated from Punjabi) | Bhupinder Kaur | Hindi | Vangamay, Vol 2 | 2017 | 0975-832 |
Prem Chand KeSahiteye Mein Dalit Istrivimarsh | Hardeep Kaur | Hindi |
Sehchar Trimasik e-Patrika |
2017 | 2395-2873 |
Swantraotar Natak Aur Yug Boudh | Hardeep Kaur | Hindi | International Journal of Social Science and Arts | 2017 | 2278-8158 |
Studying the Behavioral aspects of senior citizens related to Reverse Mortgage Scheme in India | Vinod Kumar | Commerce | International Journal of Applied Business & Economic Research, Vol. 15, No. 1 | 2017 | 0972-7302 |
Contribution, interpretation and perception of the British Writers in the development of Indian Historiography | Preeti Singh | History | Contemporary Social Sceinces | 2017 | 0302-9298 |
Aadivasivimrsh | Anju Bala | Hindi | National Journal of Hindi & Sanskrit Research, Vol. 9 | 2016 | 24549177 |
As India Aged, 32% Of Elderly Got 71% Of Government Money |
Nishtha Bharti | Political Science | IndiaSpend (a data-driven non-profit online initiative | 2016 | Not Available |
Shikshan Mein Bhasha ki Bhoomika | Deepmala | Hindi |
Prathmik Shikshak (NCERT magazine) |
2016 | 0970 9312 |
Drivers of Sustainability of Indian Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) |
Preeti Gupta | Commerce |
International Journal of Business Ethics in Developing Economies, Vol. 5, No. 2 |
2016 | 2278-3172 |
Chuingam | Bhupinder Kaur | Hindi | Yudhdarat Aam Aadami | 2016 | 2320-0359 |
Mera Ganv or Delhi | Bhupinder Kaur | Hindi | Yudhdarat Aam Aadami | 2016 | 2320-0359 |
Peak load pricing: An illustration through KuhnTucker | Deepinder Kaur | Mathematics |
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology. Vol. 38, Number 1 |
2016 | 2349-5758 |
Importance of quasi-concavity and quasi-convexity in consumer optimization problems |
Deepinder Kaur | Mathematics |
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology. Vol. 38, No. 1 |
2016 | 2349-5758 |
Upbhoktavadi Sanskriti aur Vigyapan | Hardeep Kaur | Hindi | International Multilingual Research Journal Vidyawarta | 2016 | 2319-9318 |
Hindi Ke Aadhunikikaran Aur Veshikaran Mein Anuvad Ki bhoomika |
Hardeep Kaur | Hindi | Sehchar Trimasik e-Patrika | 2016 | 2395-2873 |
Make in India: Opportunities and Challenges | Jasmine Kaur | Commerce | International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Vol. 7, Issue 8 | 2016 | 0976-2183 |
Behavioral Explanation to Financial Crisis of 2008 | Vinod Kumar | Commerce | Review of Professional Management: A Journal of New Delhi Institute of Management,Vol. 14, Issue 1 | 2016 | 0972-8686 |
Peak load pricing: An illustration through Kuhn-Tucker | Harmeet Singh | Commerce | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology. Vol. 38, Number 1 | 2016 | 2349-5758 |
Importance of quasi-concavity and quasi-convexity in consumer optimization problems | Harmeet Singh | Commerce | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology. Vol. 38, Number 1 | 2016 | 2349-5758 |
The Ethnological and Historical Enigma - The Malanese people of Kulu Valley | Preeti Singh | History | The Oriental Anthropologist, Vol.16 | 2016 | 0972-558X |
The Impact of Pioneering historians of Indian Economy | Preeti Singh | History | International Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 8 | 2016 | 0975-5799 |
Frankixalus, a new rhacophorid genus of tree hole breeding frogs with oophagous tadpoles | Ashish Thomas | Environmental Studies | PLoS One | 2016 | 1932-6203 |
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