Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College, since its inception in 1973, has shown a remarkably consistent upwards trajectory in academics, sports, and co-curricular activities driven by the unstinting commitment of successive Governing Bodies, Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee, the Principal, Staff, and the students of the Institution. In the 2017 rankings of National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), the college ranked 46th out of the total of 535 colleges. The ranking was based on the deployment of teaching and learning resources, research and professional practices, community outreach, and social inclusivity. In the same year, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) also awarded 'A' grade to the college, commending its history, and its enduring engagement with contemporary academic and extra-curricular practices as well as its material investment in developing utilities for the future.
The college, enabled by continuous feedback on various fronts provided to the college by its Internal Quality Assurance Cell, remains eager to include the new pedagogies and technologies in its teaching-learning process. The teachers have rigorously developed interactive teaching-learning modules in our IT-enabled classrooms. The college library and computer labs are well stacked to meet the continually increasing needs of students as they engage themselves in the pursuit of theoretical as well as application-based knowledge. NSS and the NCC wings of the college steadily engage themselves in sensitising students about the challenges faced by our world in general and our nation in particular.
Young students, motivated to study and committed to an all-round evolution of the self, are always welcome to be a part of our family. I assure all the students and their parents that the college, in its entirety, is committed to perform to the best of its ability, and assist every one of you in achieving your goals.
Dr. Baljeet Singh
(Officiating Principal)