College has been awarded grade ‘A’ for Cycle 2 of NAAC Accreditation

Grievance Redressal Committee

Grievance Redressal Committee, under the UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012, in the college ensures that the problems of the students are appropriately addressed and promptly reviewed. The objectives of Grievance Redressal Mechanism are as under:
  • It enables the students an opportunity to air their grievances.
  • It gives the Institution an equal opportunity to make the system more humane and understanding by addressing the problems of the students.
  • Satisfactory and speedy response to the students’ problems ensures that the promise of providing quality environment for education are duly kept.
Procedure for filing Grievance is made simple as students can easily download Grievance Application Form which is available on the College website. A hard copy of this form then needs to be duly submitted to AO/Principal Office.  
Composition of the Grievance Redressal Committee is as follows:

S. No.




Oftg. Principal

Dr. Baljeet Singh


Administrative Officer



Convenor, Student Advisory Committee

Dr. Gurdeep Kaur


Convenor, Discipline CommitteeConvenor,


Convenor, Discipline CommitteeConvenor,

Dr. Neeta Dhingra



Dr.Meena Singh


Student Member

Harprasan Singh
B.A.(Hons) Political Science
Sem IIIrd



Student Grievance Form

Delhi University 
Student Grievance Form

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