College has been awarded grade ‘A’ for Cycle 2 of NAAC Accreditation
Equal Opportunity Cell
To help create a friendly and comfortable learning environment for students in the college certain pro active steps have been initiated:
To help the differently abled students, railing along the stairs has been provided. The process of constructing a lift in the existing college building has also been initiated. Ramps have also been constructed.
To help the visually impaired students to read books and prepare assignments, a list of student volunteers along with their contact numbers is maintained and updated from time to time. Angel recording devices have been provided to the visually impaired students to enable them to record the lectures. Laptops have also been provided.
Enabling unit in the college is functional.
A screen reading “JAWS” software has been installed on two computers to help visually challenged students to use computer and internet facilities.
College has also purchased a Portable Reading Camera.
Teaching and non-teaching staff has been sensitized to provide support and help differently abled students in completing administrative procedures. These students are also exempted from standing in queues to deposit fees and fulfill other formalities.
Students with disability are given 100% fee waiver as per the new guidelines issued by the University Circular no. Aca.I/082/2001/PwD/2012-13/355 dated 13th Sep 2012.
Workshops and talks are organized in the college, keeping in mind the specific needs of the differently abled students, to spread awareness and develop skills.